Is openmindedness a word? It sounds right, but it looks wrong.
The other day I was looking for some information about an event happening in a town nearby. Being the tech savvy guy I am I Googled it to see what I could find. Of course a million entries came up, one looked good so I clicked it to see what it said. It happened to be an article written for something called the Jackson Hole Underground. Guessing that this was an online publication for the "underground society" of Jackson (BTW how underground can you get in a city of about 9000 people?) I wondered what they would have to say about the subject matter I was looking up, a Glenn Beck speech over the Independence Day weekend. The author was not shy about letting everyone know where he stood on the subject calling Beck a racist that inspires terrorism. I am guessing the author would say he leans somewhat to the left of Glenn Beck politically I really don't know, but using that presumption I would guess that the author is a Democrat, maybe with liberal leanings. I have heard a lot from Democrats about how they are the party of tolerance and inclusion, how they champion the causes of the less fortunate, homosexuals, and illegal aliens just to name a few. How we should all have one love etc... The problem I have with this is that it seems to me that when it comes right down to it, they only want to include those who feel/think the way they do. I have had some conversations with Democrats who wouldn't include me in anything but a hit list. I have found it is very difficult to have discussions with these people because they just keep telling me that I am wrong, narrow minded, and less educated than they are. There isn't a lot of tolerance for my thoughts on many issues, so it makes me wonder.
Now I realize that I am making a generalization here, it is a generalization based on my experiences however, and my perceptions are what my reality is based on. For what its worth I have listened to Glenn Beck for about five years now, not everyday, and I've never watched his t.v. show for more than five minutes. In that time I've never heard him say anything racist. Ever. I've never heard him incite terrorism, or have I ever heard of a terrorism act claimed by him or those who listen to him or who believe what he believes.
I have had similar experiences when it comes to religion. I happen to belong to a faith that believes in proselytizing. We believe that our religion is true, that it will bring others peace and joy, and a fuller meaning to their life. For two years I spent time in England trying to share that message with others. When you knock on doors for 12 hours a day you meet some amazing people. Most of those I met did not share my beliefs. That's okay with me because I respect people's ability to choose. Some of these people I met welcomed me into their homes, offered me food and drink warmth and the opportunity to discuss my beliefs. They were respectful, kind, and generous with their time. They didn't often believe what I said but they listened. I'd like to think that these discussions were mutually informative. More often I would run into people who would not listen, which again is fine I respect their ability to choose, but not only would they not listen they would insult me and my beliefs. It wasn't that they just didn't believe me, they had to insist that I was wrong. From there they had to tell me that I was in fact going to hell and that this would be too good a destination for me. I don't get that. Especially when this would come from "born again Christians."
I might be wrong, but wouldn't one who has accepted Jesus as their personal savior feel some obligation to follow His example to the best of their abilities? To, in whatever way they could, try to be Christlike? Much like my experiences with Democrats I haven't found a lot of tolerance from these "Christians." It seems to me that Jesus spent His time with lots of different people. From publicans, to lawyers, lepers and the crippled, non-believers and zealots alike. Christ listened to the woman taken in adultery and listened to her accusers. He heard out both sides and offered His counsel. He seems to me a good example of tolerance. He included all who would listen into His discussions and delivered sermons to one and all. I wish we could all be a little more like Jesus of Nazareth. More kind, more willing to listen to other's opinions, more willing to reason one with another.
What would your choice be? To be like the man who commented that if Glenn Beck would believe in Mormonism he would believe in anything? Or like the man who said suffer them to come unto me? Irregardless of your personal beliefs, wouldn't the world be a better place if we could respectfully listen to others, to accept that they can have their own thoughts/opinions on issues, and to realize that just because they do they are not less intelligent or more gullible than we are? I'd like to think so, but, I respect your ability to think otherwise.
Slow Start
1 week ago
Well thought out, Kris. It reminds me of the Winston Churchill quote...Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.
I can't tell you how many times I hear someone critisize Beck, Fox News, Mormons, even Bush, and then have asked well do you really know/understand what they believe? I do try to understand others' logic, and at least see where they are coming from, but would only hope for the same in return.
Thanks T-money (that's what I'm going to call you know, cause your comments are all always money)!
I enjoyed your comments on tolerance. I consider myself a slightly moderate conservative, but I always like to hear what both sides have to say. It's a lot easier to understand your own viewpoint when you understand the opposite viewpoint too. A few years ago a BYUI student wrote a letter to the editor suggesting that people who vote for Democrats are unworthy to hold a temple recommend. Although I have rarely voted for a Democrat, I was offended by this statement and wrote a letter of my own to refute his. I was kind of surprised that I received both positive and negative feedback after my letter was published. I don't understand how people raised in a church led by a man (Jesus) who preached tolerance of all types of people could be so intolerant of one set of opinions.
By the way, the first comment up there on your page says "When a man can tolerate two contradictory things in his heart, that man starts to have value." Thought you might be interested.
Thanks Logan, I wish I knew a way to translate comments to English, without hiring you. It blows me away that someone who speaks/writes Chinese reads this blog. Well I mean besides family! Yeah I have a hard time reconciling in my mind things that more liberal friends believe, but its important that they have the right to have and express their own feelings. It doesn't make me like them any less. I feel sorry for people who are so small minded/hearted.
KRIS, I love it and agree with every word on the tolerance thing. Christ not only tolerated them, He loved them all. I have a long way to go. I enjoyed both Tara's and Logan's pithy comments. Thanks, Kris! Love ya.
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